Even as an infant, we believe that your children can experience the love of God. That's why our nursery department takes the time to sing songs and read stories about Jesus. For more information click here.
The mind and body of a Pre-K child constantly wants to explore. Our safe and clean enviornement helps kids connect to God through activities & lessons designed to let them discover who Jesus is. For more information click here.
Kids at oasis should have fun! Our goal each week is to build trust with our kids and present Jesus as someone they can trust forever. Every child is unique and so is your family, that’s why we at this stage encourage kids to build a personal relationship with God. For more information click here.
Many things change in the life of a student Interests, body shape, schools, voices, friends, music and more Our plan is simple - Help students realize one thing never changes. GOD LOVES US! For more information click here.
Experience the joy & laughter that comes with building new friendships. Enjoy the love and encouragement that comes as you share life together. Join us as we learn more about how we as women can grow in our relationship with Christ. For more information click here
F.M.O is our Mens ministry at Oasis which stands for, “For Men Only”. We don’t consider F.M.O a group or a class but rather an experience that is designed to strengthen men to be the mighty men of God that they are called to be. For more information click here.
With multiple weekly services, it becomes a challenge to stay connected with others. Through Circles, we can build relationships while growing together spiritually. Oh, the coffee and dessert doesn't hurt either! For more information click here
The Journey is for everyone dealing with hurts, habits and hangups and are willing to seek God's wisdom and guidance to overcome the challenges in their life. For more information click here.
The Collective is our young adults group for the ages of 18-30. Starting adulthood can be challenging and having a good support staff during this time can help you mature into the man or woman that God has called you to be. For more information click here.